Harris County Central Appraisal District Property Tax Exemptions

The Harris County Appraisal District (HCAD) offers property tax exemptions to help eligible property owners reduce their tax burden.

HCAD Property Tax Exemptions 

Homestead exemptions provide significant tax relief for Harris County homeowners by reducing the taxable value of their properties.

  • Qualifying homeowners receive at least a $40,000 exemption on their home’s value for school district taxes.
  • Harris County offers a 20% optional exemption, lowering taxable value significantly.
  • Taxing units like cities or special districts can offer up to 20% exemptions, with a minimum exemption of $5,000, regardless of percentage calculations.

Homeowners aged 65 and older enjoy extra tax benefits through Harris county appraisal district property tax exemptions, reducing their tax burden.

  • Automatically receive an additional $10,000 exemption on your home’s value for school taxes.
  • Once qualified, your school taxes are frozen at the current rate unless you make home improvements.
  • Other taxing units, like cities and counties, may offer additional exemptions of at least $3,000 or more. Contact HCAD or check their website for specific details.

Homeowners with disabilities can access significant property tax exemptions through Harris County appraisal district, reducing their financial burden.

  • Receive a $10,000 exemption for school taxes, in addition to the standard $25,000 exemption available to all homeowners.
  • Taxing units can provide an additional exemption of at least $3,000 for disabled homeowners.
  • Disabled individuals qualify for a school tax ceiling, ensuring taxes do not increase unless home improvements are made.

HCAD offers disabled veterans with a service-connected disability can receive full property tax exemptions, offering significant savings. Here’s how:

  • Qualify with a 100% disability rating or individual unemployability from the Veterans’ Administration (VA).
  • A 2019 law streamlines the application process, making it easier to claim exemptions on heirship properties.
  • Property owners with partial exemptions on heir property can now upgrade to a full 100% homestead exemption.

If your property was affected by the April or May storms, you may qualify for a disaster exemption to reduce your 2024 taxes. Here’s how it works:

  • Properties with at least 15% damage in a governor-declared disaster area may qualify for a temporary exemption.
  • The exemption applies to homes, buildings, manufactured homes, and business property used for income production.
  • Property owners must apply for the temporary exemption by October 21, 2024 to receive tax relief.

A surviving spouse may continue receiving tax benefits after the death of their spouse if they meet specific criteria, as outlined by the Harris County Appraisal District (HCAD).

  • The surviving spouse must be 55 or older and the deceased spouse must have been 65 or older at the time of death.
  • If the couple shared the home, the surviving spouse can continue to receive the Over-65 exemption.
  • The surviving spouse must continue living in the same house they both shared to maintain this exemption.

Sign now for only $49.99 to save thousands of dollars annullay on your property taxes!

Harris County Central Appraisal District

Streamline Your Exemption Application Process with Tax Cutter

  • We conduct a thorough evaluation of your property to determine eligibility for available exemptions, as per HCAD guidelines.
  • Our team handles all required paperwork, ensuring accurate and complete submission to the Harris County Appraisal district.
  • We keep you informed about the status of your application, providing updates and explanations on exemption types and benefits.

Tax Cutter makes applying for property tax exemptions easier by handling the entire process on your behalf. Let Tax Cutter take the stress out of applying for your property tax exemptions to Harris County Central Appraisal District